C4C #64

Getting used to change. My best clients (and teammates) thrive on change. For years we thought it was an addiction to chaos. One that allows us to resist boredom. However, more and more, it seems they were just ahead of the game in the best way to tackle the new economy. Below are a few pieces around the power of adapting to change and perhaps even designing it.

Transient Advantage in business:
A great topic from one of my most recent reads: https://www.ritamcgrath.com/books/the-end-of-competitive-advantage/

Prepping your Career for constant change:
Even specialists need more generalist skills in their personal toolkit to excel in todays work environment: There are T-shaped, I-shaped and even ‘M-shaped’ marketers.



Curated for Contemplation

Sharing content that I find thought provoking. Sometimes the pieces align in theory other times they produce a counter-point. Either way…a good read or watch.